Out with the Old, In With the New….. City Changes…..

The city is in constant change whether it be change of business, new housing etc.


Portland’s Iconic Hollywood Bowl which has been in business since 1962 closed it’s doors on May 18th, 2015. It is sad to see businesses have to close up shop but it is part of life!



Orchard Hardware Store has taken it’s place.

My motto is take photos of places or things in your city because you never know when things will change and it won’t be there anymore. I like to document my cities history in the making when I can!

Hugz Blondie and Boo Bear

About blondie63

I love crochet, knitting, photography, dogs, cooking, baking, scrapbooking, music ,blogging and did I mention dogs? I also love to collect movies which is a big hobby of mine!
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